Thursday, June 5, 2008

New Form of Emotional Healing Therapy

I've been practicing Emotional Healing work for many years, including EFT and Bach Flower Remedies, and I have found that it has been very helpful for most people. Even so, I always had the feeling that there was an even more efficient way to clear emotional blocks and deep seated pain. Thanks to a recent altercation with someone in my own life, I was able to get in touch with a deep-seated personal pain. It was a blessing in disguise.

Apart from the confusion resulting from miscommunication... and with Mercury retrograde, I probably should never have tried to communicate with this person in the first place... I experienced a sense of having been kicked in the stomach and later a burning in my heart center. This was a perfect opportunity to use my emotional clearing skills on myself!

One of my favorite metaphysical teachers, P'taah, says that in order to transmute pain we have to "Take responsibility - Align the judgement - and Feel the feeling." It has always been a difficult process for me, but I thought I'd give it another shot when my recurring heart pain came up. This is not a pain in my physical heart. It is a burning sensation in the center of my chest that is purely emotionally based... though it could eventually cause physical damage to my heart if not cleared.

Somehow, as I lay awake in the middle of the night wondering how and why I had attracted the angst I was experiencing, I had a flash of insight about how to apply the wisdom of P'taah to my situation. I have coined the term "Choice Transmutation" to describe the process that came to me. It works amazingly well and I cleared many layers of deep-seated pain through the night.

Here's how it works in a nutshell. (I plan to write a book about it to go into all the details, but for now I'll share the short version so you can try it yourself.)
It's very simple.

Start by identifying WHAT you feel (whether physical or emotional) and state:
In this moment I CHOOSE to feel _____________ (describe your feeling).
In my ____________ (describe WHERE you feel it in your body.)
At this point you may also want to say WHY you feel it if you know the reason - because: _________________________

Then use your imagination to give it sensory qualities in this order.
It LOOKS like __________________
It SOUNDS like ___________________
It SMELLS like __________________
It TASTES like __________________
It FEELS like ___________________

Then state: My BELIEF about the cause of this pain is ________________
What other beliefs could I substitute that would allow me to come to a deeper understanding? ____________________________
(A belief is simply a frequently held thought.)

By this point in the process, the feeling will probably have already shifted to another feeling or another place in the body, in which case the whole procedure can be repeated with the new feeling until a sense of peace returns.

The cool thing about this process is that it automatically takes you through the steps that P'taah outlines. In choosing to feel the feeling in this way, you "take responsibility" for it as well as "aligning your judgment" with it, because you are choosing to stop resisting. At the same time you are staying focused on "feeling the feeling" by identifying all the sensory aspects of it.

I found that I was quickly letting go of pain and taking deep releasing breaths after each round of the process. A nice side effect was that my senses were also enhanced. I was aware of hearing things clearly that I hadn't even noticed before - like the buzz of my refrigerator. Well, that isn't always welcome in the middle of the night, but it's a sign of the clearing and healing process at work.

If you want to give this process a try, I would love to hear your feedback on how it works for you. I may even add it to my book with your permission.

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