Resistance can undermine every aspect of our lives.
But what are we resisting if not TRUTH?
º The truth that everything we really want is already here, just for the asking!
º The truth that we are perfect just the way we are.
º The truth that we live in a universe that WANTS to give us everything we need.
º The truth that who we are is a gift to the world.
º The truth that we are worthy of wellness, happiness, and joyful abundance.
º The truth that we are all connected with everything in existence, and we are never alone.
º The truth that we are the love, the lover, and the beloved of All That Is.
º The truth that we are powerful magical beings.
"Most of us have 2 lives:
the life we live
and the unlived life within us.
Between stands resistance."
the life we live
and the unlived life within us.
Between stands resistance."
~ Steven Pressfield
Are you resisting the truth of your own magnificence and abundance? Most of us are resisting to some degree. The more "problems" we have, the more we are resisting. But how can we stop resisting and begin living our true potential?
Are You Ready to Discover
the Magic Inside of You - Starting Now?
Bernadette Wulf uses Shamanic Journeys and Law of Attraction Coaching to help you recognize your areas of resistance and the TRUTH of who you really are.
Also using an advanced version of EFT (emotional freedom techniques) will permanently help dissolve your resistance quickly and almost effortlessly. You can literally "tap" away resistance and emotional blocks with EFT, then "tap" into the truth of your abundance, perfection, and wellness. I'll show you how. It is easy and fun.
Do you long for more Abundance and Prosperity?
Would you love to attract Vibrant Health and Wellness?
Maybe it's time to make a Big Change in your life!
You Can Start Living
the Life of Your Dreams Today!
the Life of Your Dreams Today!
Our deepest fear is
not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful
beyond measure.
It is our light,
not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask
ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful
beyond measure.
It is our light,
not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask
ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
- Marianne Williamson
Do you have any idea
how AWESOME you really are?
There is an amazing power within you waiting to emerge, but as long as you are struggling to make things happen, or resisting what is already happening, you are blocking the flow of your own power. Yet you probably already know there is something wonderful inside of you waiting to emerge.
If you've been paying attention to the news, you also know that our world is going through massive changes right now. Some sources say that we are in the middle of the biggest shift of consciousness in human history. Like it or not, we are all faced with huge challenges.
It is not easy being human in the modern world, but there IS a path through the maze of change that can make your journey exciting and joyful.
Find out more at
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