Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Color Healing Therapy

I just spent the weekend in San Francisco at the New Living Expo. What a lot of stimulation and information to take in at once! On top of that I had an atlas adjustment that unleashed a major detox process and left my neck feeling very sore... even though I could immediately feel positive changes, like clearer sinuses, better hearing, and more balanced posture.

The next day I was drawn to wear blue. I took out a teal blue skirt that I wear very rarely and put on periwinkle blue top that didn't even go together with the skirt, but it FELT really good. I didn't even think about why until later. I was just following my feelings.

The next morning I couldn't imagine wearing that outfit. I was drawn to red and pink, and my usual dark velour pants (which have almost become a uniform for me!). Then I remembered Steven Halpern's talk at the Expo. He showed a DVD of chakra colors along with their tones. C + red for the base chakra, D + orange for the polarity - 2nd chakra, E + yellow for the solar plexus - 3rd, F + green for the heart - 4th, G + sky blue for the throat - 5th, A + indigo for the third eye - 6th, B + violet for the crown - 7th chakra.

As I was watching the colors come up on the screen, I was surprised that he used a yellow that looked very greenish to me. At the end of the DVD Steven said that the yellow was actually a true yellow, but it had looked greenish to him also. The reason for this was because all the stimulation of the Expo was causing us to look for balance by moving upward in the spectrum. So our eyes/brain added more green to the yellow than was really there.

I thought that was very interesting, but didn't think any more about it until the morning after I had worn the blue skirt. I suddenly realized that even the day after the Expo, there was a part of me that was still wanting to add more blue to balance my energy. Blue and yellow make green, by the way, so the green I had seen the day before was really a move toward blue.

What all this means to me is that, even when we don't consciously know it, we subconsciously look for and create the colors that will bring us into balance... and that is what healing is all about. As a visual artist/painter, I use healing colors in my paintings, particularly ethereal, translucent colors that uplift the vibrations of the viewer.

It is interesting that we have the saying "true blue." Could it be that my Inner Being was sifting through all the marketing hype and chit chat of the Expo to find what was true?

Also interesting is that blue is the throat chakra color. The throat is where we speak our truth when we are in integrity. Maybe that is why we have so much blue stretched over us in the sky... our blanket of truth.

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