Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Why Isn't the Law of Attraction Working?

I've closed my Heal It All Blog, so I've transfered a few articles here so they don't disappear. If you are looking for information on the Law of Attraction, I think you will find them interesting.

Ok - you've seen "The Secret." You've heard about the Law of Attraction. You've tried it and it just doesn't seem to work. All these other people say it works for them, but it doesn't work for you. What's wrong?

Believe me, I know how you feel. I started learning about the Law of Attraction about fifteen years ago, and it took me a long time to really get the hang of it. I remember feeling frustrated, angry, and confused when I tried to apply the Law of Attraction to my own life, particularly in the area of money! I had listened to the Abraham-Hicks tapes and read their books, but somehow the information wasn't helping me attract the money I wanted.

I spent quite a few years living hand-to-mouth, usually making barely enough to pay my bills, but never enough to thrive financially. But one day I finally got it and everything changed. Well, it wasn't "one day." It was actually a 90 day process that I put myself through. I even wrote a book about it, called Money Magic! - 90 Days to Prosperity in YOUR Hands.

I was unemployed at the time, and I decided that I was going to figure out this manifestation thing once and for all. I set my intention to have $3,000 in savings by the end of 90 days, WITHOUT getting a regular job. I succeeded! In fact, ever since then, money has flowed easily and abundantly into my hands whenever I want it. All I had to do was change the way I was "vibrating" about money.

What is "Vibrating?"
Actually, most things in my life have gone pretty well. I've always been healthy, generally happy, and I've had fulfilling relationships with friends and family. So in those areas my vibration was aligned with my desires. I was attracting what I wanted. But when it came to the subject of money, my circuits got jammed and everything went haywire. Even when I had a good income, there were so many expenses that I was always feeling on the edge of financial disaster.

It is that FEELING that kept me in dire financial straits. The FEELING is the vibration. It's how your energy is vibrating at an emotional level. There are instruments that can measure it, but you can also feel it in your body. Your stomach may feel heavy, your muscles tight, or your head may ache. It could even be as subtle as a shift in energy levels, a sense of dread or hopelessness. Any feeling you would call negative is creating a vibration that keeps you from attracting what you want.

So How Do You Change Your Feelings?
It isn't always easy to change your feelings at first. We all have deeply-ingrained habits and subconscious beliefs that often control the way we feel. Fact is, the Law of Attraction is working all the time. It is attracting at the level of your feelings (your vibration), which may be very different from your conscious intention. You may think you want more money (or whatever), but subconsciously your actual focus (vibration) may be on your lack of worthiness, or a belief that you don’t deserve abundance. You could even have a subconscious fear of success in general.

Yeah, it can be quite a mess! It was for me. I had so many limiting beliefs about money and my own self-worth (which is of course connected with financial worth), that I wouldn't have been able to attract money if I was sitting on a million dollars. But I decided I was going to change that, and that's the first step. Making the decision, or setting the intention, gives your subconscious mind the message that things are about to change.

Clear Your Negative Blocks With EFT
After that, it is simply a matter of paying attention to how you FEEL and ferreting out all the conscious and unconscious beliefs that keep you stuck where you are. In EFT we call them “tail enders.” They are more powerful than all the conscious visualizations and focusing exercises you may have tried in your efforts to use the Law of Attraction in your life.

When brought to conscious awareness, it is easy to neutralize these "tail enders" with EFT. Guilt, fear, false beliefs, and shame get in the way of your conscious use of the Law of Attraction, because the Law of Attraction responds to your vibration, rather than your conscious thoughts and words. Once you clear these limiting factors and get in the "happy habit" (always looking for ways to feel more positive), the door is wide open to let in everything you desire!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.