Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Up until last night, I've been wondering if the Age of Aquarius, that we have been hearing about for decades, would ever really kick into gear. I've been watching and waiting for the "harmony and understanding," the spirit of cooperation and communication Aquarius promises to awaken in humanity, and now I see that it has truly arrived. The campaign of President Elect Obama was a grassroots, cooperative venture like nothing ever seen before in American politics. The resulting outpouring of support from around the world gives me hope that America may once again become a world leader in peace, justice, freedom, and equality for all.

I see hope for the manifestation of paradise on Earth. No, I don't believe Obama will create it. It is not Obama that gives me hope. It is the uprising of humanity asserting a choice to make big changes. A very quiet revolution took place in America yesterday - a peaceful, joyful, hopeful sort of revolution. But, as with all revolutions, there will be a lot of work involved in co-creating the new version of reality.

How will we shape our future, now that we have wrested it from the hands of the greedy power-mongers who sought to economically enslave the world? Will we fall back into complacency and let the power-mongers rise again, or will we take this golden opportunity for what it is and run with it?

We now have the momentum to change the dynamic of our crumbling economy so that it is based on cooperation rather than competition, so that it supports rather than degrades the environment, and so that it empowers rather than enslaves the population. Hope shines bright. And I hope we will all continue to envision a world where paradise is more than an idealistic dream.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Celtic New Year

Wow! The Celtic New Year has started off with a bang. I did my own private ritual to let go of the past and bring in my next phase, by writing down everything I wanted to "delete" from my life, and another list of what I wanted to bring in.

I burned the list of what I wanted to delete, and buried the list I wanted to attract, after connecting it with the four directions and the four elements.

The next day I was immediately inspired to complete the four courses, for my Naturopathic Doctor degree, that I had been putting off for TWO YEARS! Then I signed up for the final courses I need to get the degree. I expect to finish the course within the next few months. Talk about positive manifestation!

Why include the four directions and the four elements? It's all about the way our brains work. In order to change anything in our lives, we have to get all parts of the brain to cooperate. It's easy to use the logical left brain to formulate ideas about what we want, but the right brain doesn't have a clue what that means. The mid-brain doesn't FEEL it; the brain-stem doesn't connect it with physical reality; the frontal lobe isn't holding it in focus.

So I physically walked around the circle of the four directions and connected with the feeling of each direction and the element associated with it - Earth, Air, Fire, Water - to involve my mid-brain and brain-stem. I envisioned my goals for the next year so clearly that I created an emotional response that my frontal lobe could grasp. And I created a repetitious pattern of addressing each element and direction, repeating the list of goals in each direction, so my right brain could get in on the act.

So far, it's working really well. I've already accomplished one of my goals in the first day! More on using the whole brain to achieve your dreams later. Right now I have to get ready for a guest arriving soon.

By the way, I took the photo of Stonehenge over the summer. I'm putting it in public domain if anyone would like to use it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Teaching the Faery Way

Yikes, have I ever been busy! Yes, I did take that trip to the U.K. and Ireland, and since then things have been popping. It was a really fun trip and it triggered all sorts of internal changes. Hard to explain, really, but it has led to a clarity that I've been seeking for years.

For one thing, I just finished watching all 15 of Kevin Gianni's Rawkathon videos. WOW! I feel vitalized just from getting all that information. In a nutshell, I finally feel like I have all the information I need to achieve perfect nutrition. The big questions for those on a raw and/or vegan diet are where do you get your protein? Vitamin B12? Omega 3 fatty acids? and Iron?

Some sources claim that you can only get those things from animal products. Turns out, that is total hooey.

According to Dr. Rick Dina, who is a raw food vegan medical doctor who has done numerous nutritional studies, leafy greens provide all the protein, iron, and Omega 3 fats that we could possibly need. Furthermore, every whole food, even fruit, has enough protein to sustain life, as long as you eat it raw. Cooking destroys some amino acids that are the building blocks of protein, so cooked foods like meat are actually not the best sources of complete protein.

The iron in green plants is abundant and it's the kind that will never become toxic to the body, because the body only takes in as much as it needs. The iron in meat can overload the body.

Green leaves, and especially algae like spirulina, contain lots of Omega 3 fats. The body can make it's own DHA from these fats, or you can get DHA from marine algae. And of course flax, and hemp seeds are loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids.

As for B12, a large percentage of meat eaters are deficient in it, as well as vegans and vegetarians, so it is not a vegetarian issue. If you are concerned about your B12 level, you can get a blood test to see if it is optimum, or take a sublingual B12 supplement. Dr. Dina says that Vitamineral Green also raised his B12 level. It's not cheap, but it's a great product.

Whew! 15 hours of raw food experts talking about their own experience was nothing short of enlightening. I hope Kevin keeps making those videos available so others can watch them. The best news for me so far is that I dropped 8 pesky pounds by eating more raw foods! After hitting menopause, the pounds started creeping up, ever so slowly, and nothing I tried seemed to get them to leave -- until I went back to eating raw foods. Yay! For more info. on that subject, visit

On a whole different subject -- well sort of, but not really -- I finally got my "mission statement." This is the phrase that encapsulates my life purpose. Of course it is nothing really new, just a new way to speak about what I've been doing all my life.

I went to a spiral dance that Starhawk was leading for Samhain (Halloween) and we did a shamanic journey to the Underworld. There I met a faery guide. I asked her to help me define my life purpose. Without missing a beat, she smiled and said, "You are here to teach the Faery Way." That was it.

Now -- I've had people make fun of me because I "believe" in faeries. I tell them it is not a "belief;" I've seen them. Still, it's sort of hard to communicate with people who are not aware of something that seems so obvious to me. So I'm thinking, how am I supposed to "teach the Faery Way" when most of the people I encounter think anyone who "believes" in faeries is nuts, or at least somewhat deluded?

I realized then that I've been teaching and living the Faery Way all my life. It's nothing new. It is all about compost and gardens and compassion for animals and eating fresh, whole plant foods. It is about healing with energy, and magic -- and singing and dancing and creating art.

I had to laugh when I realized that I don't even have to talk about faeries to teach the Faery Way. But, because it has helped me feel more confident about my own perceptions when others have spoken or written about their encounters with the fae, I will stick my neck out and testify that yes, they are here in our forests and our gardens, and I have personally met some of them.

By the way, that's a photo of my friend Judy visiting a fairy grotto. She wasn't holding anything in her hand when the picture was taken. What do you think?

For more information about the Faery Way

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Off to See the Wizard

Though I will only be in the British Isles for 10 days, I'll be traveling for a month 7/16 - 8/16 and probably won't be able to post blogs. I'm sure I will have magical tales to tell on my return. I will be spending some time in the Glastonbury-Salsbury area of England where I hope to see at least one crop circle, and of course Stonehenge, Glastonbury Tor, and Chalice Hill. I don't know why, but it's almost like I HAVE to go there at this point in my life journey - as if to retrieve secrets stored in stone and soil, or to connect with a particular Earth energy. I'll know more when I return... though usually knowing more means I'll also have a lot more questions!

Comparing EFT to CTP (Choice Transmutation Process)

Ah life! (As my friend Tim always used to say when things got a bit overwhelming... yet were still inexplicably wonderful.) As I prepare to take a whirlwind tour of Brittan and Ireland, it seems like there is so much to do to get ready and so much to learn about where I'm going! Never the less, I have been trying out my new emotional healing modality with several clients over the past few weeks and the results have been fascinating.

What I now call CTP (Choice Transmutation Process) has been very effective for some people, even more so than EFT, but with others, the EFT process was needed to clear residual feelings. I found that they actually work very well in tandem - actually better than either of them work alone.

By using CTP to help clients really get in touch with their issue and the way it looks, sounds, smells, tastes, and feels, and perhaps most importantly CHOOSING to feel the feeling, the stage is set for using EFT most effectively. After applying CTP for all aspects of an issue that we can uncover (which was sometimes enough to clear the issue in itself) I would apply EFT to remove any lingering energetic disturbance related to the issue.

As with EFT alone, this process works best when the client comes with one particular issue to work on. I had several clients with multiple physical and emotional issues, which made it harder for them to see rapid improvement (since they would immediately start focusing on another problem each time one issue was resolved). Not surprisingly, the people who responded most quickly were also involved in some type of alternative health care modality. They were immediately able to get into the process and identify some of their underlying issues.

Here is a very clear example of a client with a single issue that was quickly resolved (in about an hour): I'll call her Jane - a lovely young woman with a fear of getting sick, but otherwise healthy and balanced.

Jane's complaint was that it really made her anxious whenever people at work started talking about illness or "what's going around." She could trace it back to an early childhood experience of getting sick and being afraid she was going to die. When I asked her what it looked like, she said it looked and sounded like a Tasmanian Devil cartoon character whirling out of control, felt heavy, but had no smell or taste.

I had her ask the character if it had a message for her and why it was there. It said it wanted to devour her and that the heavy feeling was necessary to keep her grounded and healthy. I asked if she could choose to let it be there and appreciate that it was trying to keep her healthy. She agreed, but wished it didn't feel so out of control.

I asked her to tell the character what she wanted it to do and see if it would agree. She told it that she appreciated its help, but that anxiety was actually counter productive, and she would prefer that it take the form of a powerful woman warrior with a sword who kept away the anxious thoughts. The character agreed and transformed into her chosen image.

At this point Jane felt much better, but still had a residual feeling of anxiety about getting sick when she thought of people at work talking about it. We could have gone further with CTP, but it seemed that EFT might speed up the process at this point because it now seemed to be a purely energetic issue. We did a couple rounds of EFT on "Even though I still have some anxiety about getting sick, I deeply and completely love and accept myself," and she reported that the anxiety had vanished.

Other clients had similar results, though most had more issues than we could address in an hour session. Sometimes, simply getting deeply in touch with their feelings brought the deepest relief.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

New Form of Emotional Healing Therapy

I've been practicing Emotional Healing work for many years, including EFT and Bach Flower Remedies, and I have found that it has been very helpful for most people. Even so, I always had the feeling that there was an even more efficient way to clear emotional blocks and deep seated pain. Thanks to a recent altercation with someone in my own life, I was able to get in touch with a deep-seated personal pain. It was a blessing in disguise.

Apart from the confusion resulting from miscommunication... and with Mercury retrograde, I probably should never have tried to communicate with this person in the first place... I experienced a sense of having been kicked in the stomach and later a burning in my heart center. This was a perfect opportunity to use my emotional clearing skills on myself!

One of my favorite metaphysical teachers, P'taah, says that in order to transmute pain we have to "Take responsibility - Align the judgement - and Feel the feeling." It has always been a difficult process for me, but I thought I'd give it another shot when my recurring heart pain came up. This is not a pain in my physical heart. It is a burning sensation in the center of my chest that is purely emotionally based... though it could eventually cause physical damage to my heart if not cleared.

Somehow, as I lay awake in the middle of the night wondering how and why I had attracted the angst I was experiencing, I had a flash of insight about how to apply the wisdom of P'taah to my situation. I have coined the term "Choice Transmutation" to describe the process that came to me. It works amazingly well and I cleared many layers of deep-seated pain through the night.

Here's how it works in a nutshell. (I plan to write a book about it to go into all the details, but for now I'll share the short version so you can try it yourself.)
It's very simple.

Start by identifying WHAT you feel (whether physical or emotional) and state:
In this moment I CHOOSE to feel _____________ (describe your feeling).
In my ____________ (describe WHERE you feel it in your body.)
At this point you may also want to say WHY you feel it if you know the reason - because: _________________________

Then use your imagination to give it sensory qualities in this order.
It LOOKS like __________________
It SOUNDS like ___________________
It SMELLS like __________________
It TASTES like __________________
It FEELS like ___________________

Then state: My BELIEF about the cause of this pain is ________________
What other beliefs could I substitute that would allow me to come to a deeper understanding? ____________________________
(A belief is simply a frequently held thought.)

By this point in the process, the feeling will probably have already shifted to another feeling or another place in the body, in which case the whole procedure can be repeated with the new feeling until a sense of peace returns.

The cool thing about this process is that it automatically takes you through the steps that P'taah outlines. In choosing to feel the feeling in this way, you "take responsibility" for it as well as "aligning your judgment" with it, because you are choosing to stop resisting. At the same time you are staying focused on "feeling the feeling" by identifying all the sensory aspects of it.

I found that I was quickly letting go of pain and taking deep releasing breaths after each round of the process. A nice side effect was that my senses were also enhanced. I was aware of hearing things clearly that I hadn't even noticed before - like the buzz of my refrigerator. Well, that isn't always welcome in the middle of the night, but it's a sign of the clearing and healing process at work.

If you want to give this process a try, I would love to hear your feedback on how it works for you. I may even add it to my book with your permission.

Monday, May 26, 2008

What's Wrong with "The Secret"

By now, millions of people have seen the hit film "The Secret." A lot of people found it inspiring, and I was one of them, but others have a very valid criticism. The film mainly focuses on material abundance, without addressing the issue of inner peace and fulfillment, which is what everybody is really looking for.

As a life coach, I hear all sorts of ideas from people about what they think will make them happy, but sometimes they don't have a clue. They imagine that it is the outward circumstances of their lives - the partner, the job, the financial security, the education, or any number of other things.

In actual fact, according to Law of Attraction, we have to find the happiness first, and THEN all the outer stuff naturally flows to us. The "stuff" is a natural consequence of living joyfully in the moment. So why not start right now?

Can you find something to appreciate? Can you feel the wonder of life flowing through your body? Are you aware of simply being - right here - right now? If so, you have found the real Secret. Everything else is just frosting on the cake!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

When Law of Attraction Seems Not to Work

Sometimes it seems like you are doing all the "right" things - focusing on what makes you happy, looking for things to appreciate, getting clear about what you want, finding ways to relax and enjoy life, but still things don't seem to be improving in your life. You start to think, "This LOA stuff is a bunch of hooey," and you start sliding back into your old negative habits. But all the while, the Universe was lining things up just the way you wanted them. They were on their way, but you lost faith.

That's when things start shifting back to the way you DIDN'T want them to be. We live in a dimension of time, so we have to be patient. We have to believe in possibilities that have not yet manifested in our experience. We have to wait and hold the positive energy until things begin to shift, and KEEP holding the positive energy for the rest of our lives, until it becomes a habit. THEN Law of Attraction really kicks into high gear. Synchronicity happens right and left. Life just seems to get better and better.

So I always tell my coaching clients, "Keep focusing on what you can admire, appreciate, and enjoy. At first it may seem like nothing is happening, so you have to hang in there for a couple of weeks at least, maybe even a couple of months. Things WILL change for the better, but you have to shift your focus to stay as positive as possible over and over again each day. Right now you are still living what you attracted in the past. That will change the more you change the way you think and feel, but it sometimes takes a little while for the universe to line things up the way you want them. Trust. Believe. Relax. Enjoy."
And I would add "Appreciate, Appreciate, Appreciate."

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Faery Healing

I haven't told many people about this, because - well, I don't like to appear too "out there." I mean, I have a professional image to uphold. Still, it did happen, and I think I owe it to the faeries to thank them publicly.

This happened several years ago. I had a bladder infection that kept me in bed with a fever for a couple of days. If you've never had one, pray that you don't. It was very uncomfortable! At the time I was living in the country and outside my window there was a beautiful, big oak tree where owls would often sit, hooting in the night. But this isn't about the owls.

It was twilight, that magical time of day when everything seems to hush. I was lying in bed resting and wondering how much longer it would take for my bladder infection to clear. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a flurry of faeries flew in through my open window. Maybe a dozen. It all happened so fast that I couldn't count them. They swirled across my body, right over my bladder, and then circled back out the window.

Now, I have always believed in faeries. After all, there are stories about them in just about every culture on the planet. But I had never actually seen them before. They looked like small flying beings made of white light, though I've heard that they can appear in various ways. I wished that they would have stayed longer, but they had done their work.

I went to sleep soon after that and woke up completely healed the next morning!
I have no doubt that the faeries played a part in my healing. Why they chose to come flying in through my window at that particular time, I cannot say, but I'm glad they did! It is a gift I will never forget.

In return, it seems that the least I can do is add my testimonial to the thousands of others out there.
Faeries are real. I've seen them with my own eyes - and no, I wasn't hallucinating. Since that time, I have often been aware of the faeries and nature spirits all around us, though I haven't seen them quite so distinctly as then. Usually they appear as part of nature - faces peering out of bushes, stones, mountains, or as dancers in a stream.

Faeries are part of the natural world, but they are often unseen because they exist in a higher vibration than we do.
Our linear, left-brain consciousness usually deletes them before we are even aware of what we have seen. If we shift to right-brain consciousness, however, we can experience a much wider view of reality that includes faeries, angels, and telepathic communication, among other things.

The faeries are always at work helping plants, animals, and humans. We can call on them for help with healing, gardening, and even finding lost pets. They appreciate our respect, but we have to earn their trust. They are much more likely to help those who love them. Aren't we all?

In order to foster more love and understanding between humans and the faerie realm, I have created a website just for the faeries and nature spirits.
Visit for more faerie magic!

George Green on Surviving Economic Collapse

Watch this video for an interesting perspective on economic health and law of attraction.

George Green is a retired investment banker, finance adviser to Jimmy Carter's campaign, and a business man with many contacts in high places. He gives sage advice on gold, silver, the dollar and Euro, and the current economic crisis. Looks like it's time to get serious about barter!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Law of Attraction - The Proof is in the Pudding

Prove it! That's what many people are saying about the Law of Attraction, now that it has finally hit the mainstream media. They don't believe that the universe really works that way, because they can't see the evidence. They ask, "If this stuff really works, then why are children starving? Did they want to attract that? And why are there victims of crime? And what about all these homeless people we see on our city streets? Did they really choose to attract that? And why?"

I have wondered about this myself in the past, but now, after consciously working with the Law of Attraction for about 15 years, it all makes perfect sense to me. Now I know the answer to these questions. The answer is this: Everyone is getting what they predominantly think about. When people see poverty and homelessness around them and continue to focus their attention on it, they attract the reality of poverty and homelessness to themselves. They may eventually become homeless, or they may run into homeless people more and more.

Children often pick up the fears and beliefs of their parents and other people around them. A mother who is fearful of birth defects may attract a child with birth defects. It may not even be a conscious fear. Maybe she once saw a child with a birth defect and connected that with the idea that it wasn't safe to have a child. This new belief continued to operate under the surface until her own child was born with a defect. That then supplied "proof" of her belief that it was not safe to have a child. If another child grows up in poverty and keeps focusing attention on poverty, more poverty will be the result in that child's experience. If children grow up in a war zone and keep thinking about war, they will continue to experience more war.

The funny thing about the Law of Attraction is that it will "prove" you right, even when you are wrong! If you really believe you can't walk, you will not be able to walk, even if there is nothing wrong with your legs. If you believe you can't get a job, you won't be able to get a job. On the other hand, if you really believe you can make a million dollars, starting from nothing, you can do that, too. Many people have done it, so obviously it is possible - because they believed they could do it.

In a way it is great that everyone can "prove" whatever they believe to themselves. You always get to be "right" in one sense. But if you want to be happy, that is something else again. Happiness depends on what you think about. When you think about things that make you feel happy... which are different for each of us... then you will attract more and more happiness into your experience. Of course, many of us have a very bad habit of thinking about things that don't make us happy. We watch the news, we listen to gossip, we go to horror movies, or we talk about our aches and pains. All those things are ways of focusing our thoughts on things that may be "real," but they are not things that make us feel happy. And as long as we are thinking about them, we are attracting more of those negative things we are thinking about.

Unless we stop and observe the way our own thoughts, and the thoughts and words of those around us, are reflected in the reality we each experience, we will never see the connection. And we have to look at it over time, because the Law of Attraction rarely gives us instantaneous results. It could take months or even years for habitual thoughts to change the reality we experience. Unless we are really paying attention, this can make it difficult to see cause and effect. We have to look at our predominant thought patterns as they play out in our future experiences.

To change these patterns, we need to make a leap from our old habits of focusing on negative thoughts to new habits of giving our attention only to what makes us happy. But, unless we are really paying attention, we can think happy thoughts for days on end without noticing much positive effect in our outer reality. So we have to carry on, giving the process the benefit of the doubt even when we don't yet see the results.

This is where we really have to trust our intuition. If you are skeptical, but you are still reading this, that is because your intuition is telling you there is something to this Law of Attraction stuff. There is a part of you that is prompting you to listen up and pay attention... while another part (your conscious, logical mind) may be telling you it is a bunch of hogwash. But your logical mind only knows what it has been taught. It can't think "outside the box." Your intuition knows much more. It knows everything you will ever need to know, but you have to trust it. The more you trust it, the stronger and more reliable it will be.

Then you have to use your imagination, because your present reality is probably not exactly where you want to be. If you keep thinking about where you are, you will attract more and more of what you are already experiencing. If you want to make positive changes, you have to put most of your thoughts on where you want to be. Keep imagining things that make you feel happy and you will be on your way to fulfilling your dreams. Then you will prove the Law of Attraction to yourself.

In a few days, or a few months, or even a few hours, you will start to see signs that your dreams are getting closer. Maybe someone will say something out of the blue, or you will see a picture in a magazine, or you'll see some other sign of what you have been thinking about. Then you will know that things are starting to shift toward what you want. Even something as small as finding a dime on the sidewalk, can be a sign that you are starting to attract more money. A song on the radio that stirs your heart could be a sign that romance is on its way. A chance conversation overheard in a restaurant could be a clue to finding the solution to a health problem. You never know what it will be, but if you are paying attention you will notice that the universe is starting to line things up in the direction of your thoughts.

If you continue to hold those positive thoughts, everything you want will eventually come to you. One good way of keeping your mind on the positive is to notice and appreciate the good things already in your life. When you feel gratitude and appreciation, you are automatically focused on what you want. You will keep attracting more of that. Sometimes it is easier to look around and find something to appreciate than it is to imagine something that doesn't yet seem real. Your conscious mind will be more cooperative when it can observe the beauty, love, and abundance that is already present in your life.

Nobody else can prove any of this to you, because whatever you believe is all you can see... which ought to be proof enough in and of itself. But for most people what they experience is just what they call "reality."
If you want to experience a different and better version of reality, you have to step out of your habitual thought patterns... take a chance and give it a try... not just for a few hours, or a few days. You have to make a commitment to your own happiness and well-being, so that nothing is worth paying attention to unless it makes you feel uplifted, joyful, happy, calm, peaceful, safe, and secure.

Try it for a month and I guarantee that you will see positive proof of the Law of Attraction. And if you like pudding, think about pudding a lot... you'll find pudding popping up in the strangest places. And there you'll have it. The proof in the pudding!

Color Healing Therapy

I just spent the weekend in San Francisco at the New Living Expo. What a lot of stimulation and information to take in at once! On top of that I had an atlas adjustment that unleashed a major detox process and left my neck feeling very sore... even though I could immediately feel positive changes, like clearer sinuses, better hearing, and more balanced posture.

The next day I was drawn to wear blue. I took out a teal blue skirt that I wear very rarely and put on periwinkle blue top that didn't even go together with the skirt, but it FELT really good. I didn't even think about why until later. I was just following my feelings.

The next morning I couldn't imagine wearing that outfit. I was drawn to red and pink, and my usual dark velour pants (which have almost become a uniform for me!). Then I remembered Steven Halpern's talk at the Expo. He showed a DVD of chakra colors along with their tones. C + red for the base chakra, D + orange for the polarity - 2nd chakra, E + yellow for the solar plexus - 3rd, F + green for the heart - 4th, G + sky blue for the throat - 5th, A + indigo for the third eye - 6th, B + violet for the crown - 7th chakra.

As I was watching the colors come up on the screen, I was surprised that he used a yellow that looked very greenish to me. At the end of the DVD Steven said that the yellow was actually a true yellow, but it had looked greenish to him also. The reason for this was because all the stimulation of the Expo was causing us to look for balance by moving upward in the spectrum. So our eyes/brain added more green to the yellow than was really there.

I thought that was very interesting, but didn't think any more about it until the morning after I had worn the blue skirt. I suddenly realized that even the day after the Expo, there was a part of me that was still wanting to add more blue to balance my energy. Blue and yellow make green, by the way, so the green I had seen the day before was really a move toward blue.

What all this means to me is that, even when we don't consciously know it, we subconsciously look for and create the colors that will bring us into balance... and that is what healing is all about. As a visual artist/painter, I use healing colors in my paintings, particularly ethereal, translucent colors that uplift the vibrations of the viewer.

It is interesting that we have the saying "true blue." Could it be that my Inner Being was sifting through all the marketing hype and chit chat of the Expo to find what was true?

Also interesting is that blue is the throat chakra color. The throat is where we speak our truth when we are in integrity. Maybe that is why we have so much blue stretched over us in the sky... our blanket of truth.

Why Isn't the Law of Attraction Working?

I've closed my Heal It All Blog, so I've transfered a few articles here so they don't disappear. If you are looking for information on the Law of Attraction, I think you will find them interesting.

Ok - you've seen "The Secret." You've heard about the Law of Attraction. You've tried it and it just doesn't seem to work. All these other people say it works for them, but it doesn't work for you. What's wrong?

Believe me, I know how you feel. I started learning about the Law of Attraction about fifteen years ago, and it took me a long time to really get the hang of it. I remember feeling frustrated, angry, and confused when I tried to apply the Law of Attraction to my own life, particularly in the area of money! I had listened to the Abraham-Hicks tapes and read their books, but somehow the information wasn't helping me attract the money I wanted.

I spent quite a few years living hand-to-mouth, usually making barely enough to pay my bills, but never enough to thrive financially. But one day I finally got it and everything changed. Well, it wasn't "one day." It was actually a 90 day process that I put myself through. I even wrote a book about it, called Money Magic! - 90 Days to Prosperity in YOUR Hands.

I was unemployed at the time, and I decided that I was going to figure out this manifestation thing once and for all. I set my intention to have $3,000 in savings by the end of 90 days, WITHOUT getting a regular job. I succeeded! In fact, ever since then, money has flowed easily and abundantly into my hands whenever I want it. All I had to do was change the way I was "vibrating" about money.

What is "Vibrating?"
Actually, most things in my life have gone pretty well. I've always been healthy, generally happy, and I've had fulfilling relationships with friends and family. So in those areas my vibration was aligned with my desires. I was attracting what I wanted. But when it came to the subject of money, my circuits got jammed and everything went haywire. Even when I had a good income, there were so many expenses that I was always feeling on the edge of financial disaster.

It is that FEELING that kept me in dire financial straits. The FEELING is the vibration. It's how your energy is vibrating at an emotional level. There are instruments that can measure it, but you can also feel it in your body. Your stomach may feel heavy, your muscles tight, or your head may ache. It could even be as subtle as a shift in energy levels, a sense of dread or hopelessness. Any feeling you would call negative is creating a vibration that keeps you from attracting what you want.

So How Do You Change Your Feelings?
It isn't always easy to change your feelings at first. We all have deeply-ingrained habits and subconscious beliefs that often control the way we feel. Fact is, the Law of Attraction is working all the time. It is attracting at the level of your feelings (your vibration), which may be very different from your conscious intention. You may think you want more money (or whatever), but subconsciously your actual focus (vibration) may be on your lack of worthiness, or a belief that you don’t deserve abundance. You could even have a subconscious fear of success in general.

Yeah, it can be quite a mess! It was for me. I had so many limiting beliefs about money and my own self-worth (which is of course connected with financial worth), that I wouldn't have been able to attract money if I was sitting on a million dollars. But I decided I was going to change that, and that's the first step. Making the decision, or setting the intention, gives your subconscious mind the message that things are about to change.

Clear Your Negative Blocks With EFT
After that, it is simply a matter of paying attention to how you FEEL and ferreting out all the conscious and unconscious beliefs that keep you stuck where you are. In EFT we call them “tail enders.” They are more powerful than all the conscious visualizations and focusing exercises you may have tried in your efforts to use the Law of Attraction in your life.

When brought to conscious awareness, it is easy to neutralize these "tail enders" with EFT. Guilt, fear, false beliefs, and shame get in the way of your conscious use of the Law of Attraction, because the Law of Attraction responds to your vibration, rather than your conscious thoughts and words. Once you clear these limiting factors and get in the "happy habit" (always looking for ways to feel more positive), the door is wide open to let in everything you desire!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Manifesting Money Fast

Wow! Money Magic Coaching sure has it's perks. I had a client the other day who wanted to clear some of her money issues. Who doesn't? So I went through my coaching process with her. We did some EFT to clear a few of her limiting beliefs about money and her feeling of deserving. Then we talked about Law of Attraction and how the way we FEEL about money will either open the door to let it in or close it tight to keep it out. All the while I was totally and joyfully focused on helping her get through her issues around money. She had a big smile on her face at the end of our session, and I could tell she was on her way to improving her finances.

Meanwhile, strange things were in the works. I had recently sent in my annual tax payments, and I actually felt pretty good about doing my part to help build roads, support education, and feed hungry children. All the while I was maintaining a very positive feeling about money, my income level, my ability to pay my bills and still have money left over for having fun, and I even started planing a European vacation.

Here's the strange part. I went to my P. O. box today and found a state tax return for MORE than I had paid in taxes! What the heck? And I don't mean the six hundred dollar check that Bush keeps talking about. This was totally unexpected - which just goes to show that even focusing on somebody else's abundance can open your door to receiving. Helping my client to focus on the positive things about money triggered an unexpected influx of money in my own life. Now that's my kind of job!

If you are interested in learning more about how I "pulled myself up by my bootstraps" and shifted out of poverty consciousness, get yourself a copy of my Money Magic! manual. Money was once the biggest source of struggle and anxiety in my life. Now Money is my friend. Thank you Money!

Monday, April 28, 2008

A Stroke of Wisdom!

Excellent video on how the brain works! Click the link below to view an absolutely amazing account of a brain scientist's left brain stroke experience. It is very much related to the topic of the previous post.

Welcome to Your Magical Life!

My intention for this blog is to Uplift, Inspire, Inform, and Entertain all who choose to participate.

In my survey question I asked what is the most important key to success, but maybe we should start by defining success. As a life coach, I run across many different pictures of success as I talk with clients. It can mean finding a job that "fits." To some people it's all about getting through college. To others it means achieving financial independence. But underlying all the variations on our picture of success, there is one factor that most of us don't even think about very often. It is that sense of fulfillment and inner peace that we hope to attain after we reach our goals.

What if we could have that NOW, even before we get all the external pieces lined up perfectly? You guessed it. We can! In fact, finding that feeling of inner peace and appreciation for what is already in our experience is one of the keys to achieving our goals. Most of the time we have it all backwards. We make ourselves miserable, work really hard, struggle, scrimp, and wear ourselves out trying to reach goals that we think will eventually bring us the peace, joy, and satisfaction that we are missing. In so doing, we actually cut ourselves off from the experience we seek to attain through our striving.

Fortunately, wise teachers have always offered solutions to our dilemma. In modern times, Abraham-Hicks teachings expound on the Law of Attraction, Eckhart Tolle provides insight into the power of living in the moment, and countless others provide us with a smorgasbord of insight about how to find peace and joy. We can read endless books and fill our minds with ideas about how to be happy, but the fact is that no mind will ever be content. It is the job of the mind to sort, categorize, compare, and desire more, but the mind cannot find the peace, joy, and success we really want to experience.

True success is beyond mind. It has nothing to do with how much money you make, or how big your house is, or how many friends you have. It cannot be measured by any external means. Success is that feeling of contentment and fulfillment that comes with knowing that this moment is full of wonder and you are part of that wonder. In order to "get there," you simply have to Be Here.

In the perfection of this moment - this moment - this moment - and on into infinity - there is the peace, bliss, and fulfillment we naturally seek, yet so often miss in our eagerness to find more.
When we stop to simply watch the mind jump through its hoops, and feel our breath and our rushing energy, and just observe what is all around us without mental comment, an awareness expands within us that I can only call peace. A joyful awakening takes place, and in that awakening, we find that we are swept into the flow of All That Is, humming in harmony with nature and our deepest life purpose.

There is no greater success. And the amazing thing is that once we find that inner flow and connection with our life purpose, the external pieces of our lives start falling into place, too. Our health improves, we have more energy, more money starts coming in, we find our ideal career, and there is more love in our lives. Dreams start coming true. Life takes on a whole new dimension of joy and appreciation. And, as Abraham says, "the better it gets, the better it gets."